After having the pleasure to spend part of my weekend being surrounded by sick people trying to share their germs with me at Urgent Care, I spent the rest of it not being very productive and trying to start recovering from a UTI. Fun. But it did give me a chance to catch up on some reading.
I love reading, but don't always have the time to squeeze it into my life....although now with the Kindle
, it's easier to have it with me when I'm stuck waiting somewhere (like a germy waiting room). I love reading books and magazines and here's some of what I'm reading right now...
- Craft Hope (version: paperback
) I seriously love everything about this book (and the website)! The author, Jade Sims truly has the "it takes a village" philosophy in life. She organizes all types of crafters into creating projects that help charities and they people they serve. The book contains 32 different project craft instructions/templates, and information on the charity that it helps, so it's well worth getting...also $1 of each book sold will be donated to Global Impact. This book totally inspired me to help by participating in their current project: handmade bracelets for Orphan Outreach. <--- a great project to do with kids!
- The Right Brain Business Plan (versions: paperback
, Kindle
) For most of us that have creative jobs the business end of our jobs is not what gets us up in the morning. (I for one hate it!) The author, Jennifer Lee shows how to tap into your creative side in order to organize the business side of work. She shares a bunch of different exercises to do to help you achieve your goals.
- Digital Magazines - Ok, I totally love digi mags, and not just because I care about the waste traditional mags have, but because they are so darn convenient!! Not only are they transportable on digital devices, but you don't have the bulk of storing them. Love that!!
Some current digi mags I love are: Mollie Makes (versions: paperback, digital), craft magazines from the Northridge Publishing family (versions: paperback, digital)...and some FREE mags: House of Fifty, Styled,and EST Magazine. And I'm really excited to see that Etzcetera will be out shortly!
Do you have any favorite reads?? Leave me a comment below letting me know what you're current favs are.
Sponsors: Sterling Publishing, New World Library