My Creative Space Feed

Permission Slips {{{Free Printables}}}

I feel like I'm in an interesting time in my creative life right now.  I have so many other demands pulling at me, so many unfinished creative projects to work on, and a serious need to clean up my studio and do another major purge!

Erin's mess

I've taken a few days off to regroup and reconnect with my family and most importantly Jesus...and while I figure out where to even begin to clean up I'll share these FREE printables I've made out of one of my paintings, you can download them HERE.


Printable - Permission to Create Dream Relax
If you happen to have any good clean-up and purging tips for me PLEASE share them with me!!


There's so much going on right about an update?

Ok...good news...bad news.

Let's start with the bad.  I broke my favorite camera lens & need to send it out for repair.  I get an error (& it won't let me take pics) in certain lighting.  Really weird, and extremely annoying.  Hoping they can fix it, since I miss shooting with it.

Arrojo Hair Products Ok, the good.  I had a really fun time Tuesday night.  Nick Arrojo had a launch party for his new hair care line at Rituals Aveda Color Salon...they're the first SoCal salon to have his line there.  It was great to have the chance to talk with him... and I'm really excited to try out his new products that came in our swag bags!  I sniffed them already and they smell really clean and not overly scented.  :)

Oh, and did you know Nick came out with a book?  Yep, he did, it's called "Great Hair: Secrets to Looking Fabulous and Feeling Beautiful Every Day." 

Nick and Erin 2b

While I was at Rituals it was nice to finally meet up with some of the local bloggers that were there too.  It seems like the timing for us to all get together never works out for me, so it was great to see them in real life.   I really enjoy being around bloggers that are creative in different ways then I am.

Pinterest LA Meet Up


In more good news, I'm headed to the Pinterest LA Meet Up on Thursday with Maggie and Susan...should be SO fun...Pinterest is so addicting!!

Oh, and by the way, you can follow me on Pinterest here.


Erin Bassett - Studio 4 Ok, and for the last of my news...go over and check out my studio on the Imaginisce's my turn to share my creative space.



So that's the update on what's going on here.  Don't forget you still have a chance to comment here for a chance to win the Shabby Apple vintage necklace giveawy.


Mixed Media Canvas: Love

This past weekend I was busy creating some new canvases for my studio walls and this was one of the 12"x12" canvases I made:

Erin Bassett - Canvas - LoveI'm really happy with how it turned out.  You can't see it very well, but I wrote "love" all over it in white and black inks & charcoal pencils.

Erin Bassett - Canvas - Love - CloseUpI painted the heart with Golden's "Micaceous Iron Oxide" of my favs (which you can buy at Blick Art Materials).  I love it's gritty texture and slight sparkle.


Sponsor: Dick Blick Art Materials


Studio Re-do: Mid-Chaos

So if you follow me on Twitter you know that I'm re-doing my studio space.  It started just before CHA when we got rid of the futon that was in there and then emptied out the filing cabinets so they could get moved out.

And now I have a big 'ol mess!!!

I went to the hardware store and got a solid core door and had them cut it to 80" x 24" and also got some support pieces.  My husband built me this workbench that's at the perfect height for me to stand up and work...I just need to add some wood trim and paint to it.  I'm thinking of adding a glass top to it as well.


I've also made an Ikea run to get some cabinets which I can't wait to put together.  Assembling them got delayed since I had minor surgery on my ankle for a pre-cancerous mole that had previously been removed and then started to grow back.  {Get your moles check people!!!}  I've also been shopping for modern rugs, lighting, etc. 

Hopefully I'll be able to share more progress soon!  And for those of you that want to know what my space looked like previously you can check out this video that I did for Mixology Crafts a while ago.  It's evolved since then, but you'll see how small the nook was that I was working in was.  I can't wait to moved completely into the studio office and say goodbye to the nook!  



Where the magic happens....aka...where I Scrapbook

No, I haven't forgot about this blog...just been busy...any extra time I have has been going towards finishing swaps for CKU.  I'm finishing up my last one this week!!  Woo-hoo, it's good to be almost done!!  Anyways, since I've been MIA I figure you deserve a "meaty" I'm gonna show you where I scrapbook.  Before we sold our house I had an awesome craft room/office that I loved, but once we moved into apartments finding a spot to create has been  So here's my current spot...

IttyBittySpace squished in the hallway between what is supposed to be a coat closet & the guest bathroom.  I am SO thankful for that coat closet though....since now it's a SB closet LOL.  Closet I store all my ppr in here (fyi: my patterned ppr is a mess & totally out of order now)...I keep patterned ppr by manufacturer stored horizontally on a shelf & solid color cardstock is stored in the 12 x 12 vertical storage ppr holder thingy.  In that pink crate I keep my alpha stickers...divided by color.

DeskShelves Here's what's on the shelves above my workspace.  Top shelf: unmounted rubber & clear acrylic stamps, Chipboard letters, Photos, Tools.  Bottom shelf: Ribbon, Buttons, SU! Ink Spots, Ppr Frills.  On my desktop I keep my AMM Tote-Ally with all my most used tools & adhesives.  I just deconstructed my bulletin board before I took this was covered & I mean covered with stuff.....products I wanted to use, quotes, pix, etc.....I needed a fresh start so down it came & now it's all cleared off & ready to be filled up again. 

Feet Now, where to put my feet, LOL.  There isn't much space for them.  I have a great little cart I got at Target that my MM paper trimmer sits on.  I recently cleaned out the cart from what it was holding & so now it holds my big punches, my bling & acrylic blocks, and misc frequently used stuff.  I have 8.5" x11" storage containers from a previous life (not my previous life LOL...they were previously used for something else) that currently hold theme stuff.  I wish they were 12 x 12 since that would be more convenient to fit SB stuff in, but a girl's gotta use what she's got (at least until DH doesn't care so much that I am constantly "improving" my storage solutions).  There's also a few transportable containers (12 x 12) were I keep current projects I'm working on & my newest products.

FlowersAndPaint Ok, now the part that my DH just loves...notice the sarcasms in my voice....the flowers & paint....conveniently stored above one of his file cabinets in his office (which is right next to the SB closet) just in case he wants to embellish some of his paperwork LOL.

Storage Then in his office he has a walk in closet....which holds, you guessed it, more SB stuff.  It's pretty much the stuff I don't' use regularly and is a mess & a half.

Ok, that's my space in a nut shell.  (PS - you can click on the pix for a larger view)

I'd love to see link me some pix of where you scrap!


Update: You can see my new scrap space progress here.